Types of LSBs
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At launch, Pye.fi will only support strip bonds with single-strip coupons. Future releases will include multi-strip bonds, zero-coupon bonds and vesting schedules for assets with more complex yield distributions.
Single-strip bonds issue two assets, the principal component and the yield component. Both assets are locked up for the same duration and are minted in equal amounts. For example, a 100 SOL deposit locked up from January 2025 till March 2025, would issue the following tokens:
100 PSOL-DEC25-MAR25
100 YSOL-DEC25-MAR25
is redeemable for the yield produced by 1 PSOL
during the lockup period (1 year). In short, as long as yield can be accrued between 2 unix timestamps, it could be tranched into a single strip (from start date to maturity date).
Yield Requirements
End-of-Term Payout: Where yield is claimable only at the end of the lockup.
Since yield strips from a strip bond are traded separately, they can respond more flexibly to changes in interest rates across different maturities than a zero-coupon bond with a single YTM. For instance, if the yield curve is steeply upward sloping, long-dated strips may trade at higher yields compared to the YTM on a shorter-dated zero-coupon bond.
The opposite is also possible if on Solana, the yield in Sep 2025 is 76% and the yield is expected to fall down to 6.75% by Dec 2025, then the yield strip for SEP-2025 will trade closer to 3% while the longer dated strip trade closer to 2.75%.
Historically, when the yield component is sold separate from the principal component it leads to behavior where the principal component becomes sensitive to interest rate changes; if rates rise, the price of the principal components falls more than bonds with more coupons given the longer duration.
100 PSOL-DEC25-DEC26
And twelve tokens related to the yield component:
100 YSOL-DEC25
100 YSOL-JAN26
100 YSOL-FEB26
100 YSOL-MAR26
100 YSOL-APR26
100 YSOL-MAY26
100 YSOL-JUN26
100 YSOL-JUL26
100 YSOL-AUG26
100 YSOL-SEP26
100 YSOL-OCT26
100 YSOL-NOV26
Each YT (eg. 100 YT-MAY26
) is redeemable for the yield produced by 1 PSOL
from the start of that month till the end of the month (May 1st → May 31st). The yield for a given YT becomes available immediately after maturity is reach on May 31st, for that specific strip.
Unlike single-strip bonds, multi-strip bonds issue assets, the principal component and the number of yield strips (coupons). In the case of a monthly-strip bond, a 1 year lockup issues one token related to the principal: